发布时间:2016-08-04 22:27:05.0点击次数:2104次
2016年8月21日 15:00——17:00
Clive Adams
Chair of Mental Health Research英国诺丁汉大学精神卫生研究主席
Co-ordinating Editor of Cochrane Schizophrenia Group
Consultant at Regent Street CMHT, Nottingham
Born in rural Ulster, educated in Belfast. Qualified in medicine in Queens University, Belfast in 1983, after two years of casualty and surgery began psychiatry in Bradford. Completed training in the Guys, London. After a research year undertook epidemiology MSc in the London School of Hygiene in Tropical Medicine. Founded the Cochrane Schizophrenia Group entity whilst at Oxford University, has seen successful periods both at Oxford, Leeds and is now residing in Nottingham.
His research intererest including Pragmatic randomised trial design and systematic review of health care interventions.
专业背景:Clive教授出生于北爱尔兰的乡村,1983年在北爱尔兰的女王大学医学院毕业,并取得行医资格。早在1985年,clive教授还没有获取英国皇家精神卫生学院的会员身份前就已经开始在英国的布莱德从事精神卫生治疗的工作并加入了Guy's and Thomas'(伦敦)培训体系。此后的一年,Clive教授被授予了伦敦卫生和热带医学学院的流行病学硕士学位。Clive教授在牛津大学创立Cochrane精神分裂症组, 现担任英国诺丁汉大学精神卫生研究主席。Adams教授的主要研究兴趣是真实世界研究、务实研究设计以及干预措施效能和安全性的系统评价。
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